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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Damn Team Kobe...

That's all I'm gonna say. That and Lamar Odom finally pulled his head out of his box of ho-hos and realized he's a free agent this summer. 
Good News for your eyeballs -  Andy Roddick overcame his american-ness won his first round match. And the french love him?!? Sadly Blake lost.


  1. What? No shirtless picture of James? But thanks for the ARod one. He is the opposite of French, but he is pretty likable. He has the brashness, but not the arrogance of the typical American athlete. And nice abs.

  2. Wait a minute... There are TWO ARod shirtless pictures. NICE!

  3. Yes, that is an awesome trick, except I think you photo shopped Andy's head on someone else's body. But great pictures anyway!

  4. I'm glad you noticed - yeah I tried to sneak a couple in since I thought he'd be packing his bags so quickly, then he wins! again!
    I'll get a post on that later...
