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Monday, June 22, 2009

Who?? Lucas Glover?? Huh???

Help me out, Jock. Who is this cat? And seriously, does Rory McIlroy even shave yet?

Dirtman is sitting out in the 107 degree heat (index) watching the evil empire (Texas) battle the party school (LSU) in the finals of the College World Series. 1-0 Tigers in the bottom of the 2nd. I'm not a huge LSU fan since they kind of take over, and a lot of locals like them, but there is no way I can even cheer a little bit for the 'Horns. I know I SHOULD cheer for the Big XII team, but no. Can't do it. Never have. Never will. And you can't make me.



  1. Texas is your greenbeans, eh?

  2. ugg... ugg... that's me dry heaving on the cold green beans/Texas Longhorns.....

  3. Are you gonna shove Texas between the cracks in the bench? 'cause with those big white batting helmets they'd never fit.

  4. Hey Half Glass Analysts!

    I am proud to be the first registered follower on the the blog! Although I may agree with Lilly's worse half (that's what we call ourselves, all the time, trust me). My better half may appreciate the discussions of dreamy baseball and basketball players more than I do. But entertaining nonetheless.

    On to business. Doesn't Rory McElroy look like a slimmed down version of Seth from Superbad?

  5. Welcome Wes, glad to have ya!
    Don't worry once the Tour de France starts the dreamyness of the athletes drops dramatically. But you will have to sit through Wimbledon until then.
    It looks like Rory and Seth are the same person. Weird.

  6. Wes!
    Yes, this eye candy ends when the TdF starts, then it is tiny, tiny bike monkeys.

  7. Wes!
    Thanks for jumping on the bandwagon. None of our spouses are bold enough to comment. In fact, I have to force mine to even read it.

    We will be out in Co next weekend. Come drink with us!
